The first international space education conference “The Road to Space” was held at the Institute of Space Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SRI RAS) in October 2019 and was a great success. Since 2021, the conference has become an international conference, held every two years and we actively participate in it and have audio-video materials of each conference.
The objectives of the conference are to discuss the tasks and problems of space education in Russia and abroad in schools, universities and graduate schools, the issues of popularization of space research and involvement of young people for future work in the space industry.
In this section you can get information about the projects: “Mars-96”, “Phobos-Grunt-2011”, “Exo-Mars – 2022”, “Expedition-M” Boomerang spacecraft after 2025.
"ExoMars-2022. In search of water and life on the Red Planet
“ExoMars” – video monitoring of the joint astrobiology program of the European Space Agency and “Roscosmos” state corporation for the exploration of Mars, the main goal of which was to search for evidence of the existence in the past and present of life on Mars.
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