Over a half-century period, we have gathered an extensive collection of historical media content from various fields of world culture, science and art. The collection was created on the basis of exclusive photo/video shooting, audio recording that we made in hard-to-reach and closed places. For example, in Syria and Antarctica.

Our photos/video archive shot in analog and digital format on BetaCam, DVCPro, HDV, Full HD equipment from SD till Full HD formats, Nikon D300, D5300 are theming archive of photos/videos, audio files, including texts with translations.

The modern world is experiencing a new evolutionary turn into the digital world, where our future will be. We hope that our materials will belong to future generations and the civilization of the future. We are convinced that the technologies of the decentralized Internet, blockchain and metaverse will provide access to true “limitless” historical artifacts, especially in the current era of religious extremism and religious intolerance.

We are open to museums, educational and educational organizations, historical and cultural foundations, private and public collectors and are ready for any dialogue regarding the creation of joint projects or customized video products based on the content of our archive.

Our website is being permanently filled with new information, projects and interesting partners.
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